Master WordPress themes


WordPress themes Master Tutorials : How do you start with WordPress? How so you master it properly and become an experienced user? Where do you find professional WordPress tutorials that will answer all your questions? This post will come in handy for all of you who have asked any of the above questions. A compilation of WordPress tutorials is a useful set for beginners who want to master this CMS, and advanced users who will certainly find some new and professional tips in them

WordPress Tutorials

WordPress as a seamlessly customizable and easy to use platform is highly estimated and powers 23.1% of all sites on the web. It’s amazing, isn’t it? Being completely free, offering a wide range of features, providing its users with millions of professionally made skins , it turns out to be a great choice for a number of websites. It can be various blogs, portfolios, even shops (using the WooCommerce plugin on WordPress website).

Choosing this software, you’ll never doubt the power of your site, because the WordPress community is always ready to offer plugins and anything else you may need to enhance its functionality. Some of them are free of charge, others are available for a reasonable price. How to deal with them or how to implement on the site, you’ll learn from these tutorials.

When you start working with WordPress, things can get confusing, but a good tutorial will be helpful. After checking them out you’ll be able to get to grips with this CMS and start any site you need. So, here is a collection of the best 15 WordPress tutorials that will boost your skills. Start with them, work thoroughly, and you’ll certainly master this CMS.

Helpful WordPress Tutorials for Beginners

WordPress How-To For Beginners
Here is a complete guide that provides you with instructions that you may need when start out managing a site on WordPress.

How to Create Your Very First WordPress Plugin
Any user faces a lot of questions when it comes to creating a WordPress plugin for the first time. This tutorial will show how to do it quickly and correctly.

How to Code a WordPress 3.0 Theme from Scratch
Coding a WordPress theme from the ground – this is what you’ll learn after reading this tutorial. You’ll also be able to take advantage of all of features of its 3.0 version. As a result you’ll get a blogging-ready minimal theme.

Create An eCommerce WordPress Website In 3 Hours
If your goal is to start an eCommerce site on WordPress, watch this tutorial and get the complete information on how to set up such a site in less than 3 hours.

How To Learn WordPress in a Week
Completely free tutorial on how to master the major points of WordPress. Good for beginners and intermediate users.

Mastering The WordPress Visual Editor
Welcome to a comprehensive guide for beginners who want to learn more about WordPress. By the way, even experienced users will find some interesting facts they haven’t faced before.

WordPress Cheat Sheet
WordPress shortcodes are known to be one of its most essential features that facilitate the users’ work. Learn the list of them in this useful cheat sheet.

WordPress Lessons
The best way to start with WordPress is to check out the guides and tutorials presented on the official site of this CMS. Here you’ll find whatever you need to become a WP guru.

The WordPress Community Offers Advice To Beginners
If you’re a WordPress newbie, professional advices from the official community will help you to advance your skills.

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Build a Business Website in One Hour
Here is a good start for all of you who are looking for information about building a site on such a powerful CMS as WordPress.

WordPress Essential Training
After watching this video you’ll be able to create/publish posts and pages, customize a site with themes, widgets, menus and implement plugins.


Create Your Own WordPress Toolkit
If you want to enhance your website based on WordPress, do it by means of implementing plugins. Learn about the most powerful plugins.

4 Brilliant WordPress Techniques You Need to Know
Read this tutorial attentively and learn how to improve your WordPress website with the latest development techniques.

The Ultimate Designing Guide for WordPress Website
What are the main design principles you have to focus on while creating a WordPress website? Check out this ultimate guide to find them out.

[quote font=”verdana” font_size=”14″ font_style=”italic” color=”#474747″ bgcolor=”#F5F5F5″ bcolor=”#dd9933″ arrow=”yes” align=”centre”]This Demo Content Brought to you by Momizat Team [/quote]

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