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Create A Tab Widget In WordPress

In this WordPress tutorial, you’ll learn how to create the Tabber widget, which is very useful for when multiple widgets need to fit in a sidebar. It saves space and streamlines the appearance and functionality of your WordPress-powered…

Practical Tips From Top WordPress Pros

Practical Tips From Top WordPress Pros Recently I shared with you some advice from the WordPress community to beginners. But what if starting out is already a dim memory? What if you’re already so immersed in the world of WordPress that you…

Google Two-Factor Authentication

What You'll Be CreatingBrute force login attacks targeting WordPress sites are quite common, such as in April 2013 when more than 90,000 sites were targeted. There are a handful of good ways to protect yourself against these attacks:…

The WordPress Theme Customizer

In case you missed it, WordPress release 3.4 included a very exciting new development: the Theme Customizer. This allows users to tweak theme settings using a WYSIWYG interfaceand customize the theme so it includes the colors, fonts, text —…

Child Themes for WP Framework

The theme framework you've built will be used as a parent theme in the sites you develop. This means that in each case you'll need to create a child theme to create a unique site with its own design and with extra or different functions…

WordPress:Categories VS Tags

For many new users of the WordPress platform, defining the difference between these two can be a little bit difficult at first. Thankfully, understanding how they are different is not as hard as it may seem so let’s break it down. …

Best Permalink Structure

You have to change you timezone, the tagline, your user profile information, and much more. Perhaps one that setting that needs to change but that has stumped quite a few is the Permalink setting. You are given quite a few options…